How RFID technology helps you to manage your eCommerce


Nowadays, more and more people is shopping online. The situation caused by the Coronavirus has changed our shopping habits, risen dramatically the online shop. With many of the non-essential stores closed, mobility restrictions or simply to avoid contact with other people, many customers choose to buy from home.

Having an e-commerce is a challenge for companies when it comes to managing the online store with an optimal operation that satisfies customers and thus achieve an increase of sales.

If you have an e-commerce or are considering opening an online store, you should know its advantages and disadvantages and how RFID technology can help you improve its management.


According to the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) more than 70% of Internet users shop online. This fact shows the importance of this sales channel and the opportunity for companies to have an online sales service. In addition, its possibilities and advantages make more and more companies use this channel to offer products and services.

Factors such as giving a quick response, efficiency in shipments, knowing your stock 100% to be able to give reliable information to the buyer, are points of vital importance in eCommerce, which will help users to decide on your brand and, the most important, to buy recurrently in your online store.

Advantages of e-commerce

Compared to the physical store, eCommerce has many advantages:

  • Global reach. With electronic commerce we can reach a large number of audiences in different countries, without geographic limitation and easily expanding to new markets, which is a new growth path for the company.
  • Open hours. An e-commerce is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week anywhere in the world, so your customers do not depend on the store’s opening hours to be able to make their purchases.
  • Lots of information. The growing demand of customers for information about products and services is very easy to satisfy with an e-commerce.
  • Increase in the product catalog. E-commerce allows us to increase the offer of products, without limiting ourselves to the space of our physical store and have an updated stock in real time.
  • Cost reduction. Derived from having less infrastructure for the exhibition and sale of the product, as well as the reduction in personnel cost.
  • Increased competitiveness. Ecommerce increase your business opportunities what make you increase your company competitiveness and the quality of service offered to customers, since it is one more way of communication.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

Having an e-commerce produces many advantages, but we also have to talk about the disadvantages and how we can overcome them.

  • It is easier to compare prices. Offering a good product at a reasonable price is essential, but you must improve the entire customer experience.
  • Problems in delivery. Lost packages, erroneous shipments or delays due to various problems with logistics can harm your customer’s satisfaction.
  • Complex after-sales service. It is essential to have a good after-sales service, facilitate the return of items and make the money refund as soon as possible.
  • Possible technical failures. A website crash or not having the stock updated or integrated with our physical store can mean a loss of sales and a bad shopping experience.
  • Counterfeits. Bar code labels are easy to counterfeit, so we can lose business in the event merchandise is misplaced before reaching the warehouse.

Advantages of RFID in electronic commerce

How can RFID technology help you get the most performance of your business? At Bionix Technologies we have all the keys to improve your online sales channel and solve the disadvantages.

RFID technology is a solution for many of the problems that we can face as a company when selling online, but also it is a good tool to improve users experience. The use of RFID in your supply chain has many advantages for your business:

  • Online shopping. The client has reliable information on the availability of the product, which helps you avoid a possible stock breakage.
  • Shipments. Using RFID we can verify that shipments are correct in a matter of seconds, avoiding errors and improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Pick up In-Store. With RFID it is possible to integrate the physical and online world and know at all times where each item is, thus facilitating the pick up of orders in-store.

RFID implementation in eCommerce

With the integration of RFID technology in your eCommerce, you avoid errors such as the available stock does not coincide with the real one, which causes loss of sales and customer confidence; errors in customer shipments and problems arising from a stock that does not integrate electronic commerce and the physical store or warehouse, which generates greater complexity in management.

Managing the stock is very easy thanks to RFID. By being all the items identified and having a fully integrated and reliable stock of your entire supply chain, you will improve the efficiency and user experience in online shopping, increasing the sales of this channel as well as reducing operating costs and have a full traceability of products.

All the information contained in the RFID tags is of great value for the customer in sectors such as retail or pharmaceuticals. And, compared to barcodes, RFID tags are impossible to counterfeit.

At critical points such as shipping, RFID solutions give the business confidence to avoid a large number of failures. The customer will feel more satisfied buying from an organization or brand with a good logistics service, preferring many times to buy an even more expensive product but with which they ensure their shipment or their return without technical problems.

RFID solutions for e-commerce

At Bionix Technologies we have multiple RFID solutions for eCommerce. By using RFID tags and RFID devices it is very easy to increase sales and manage your e-commerce quickly and easily.

At Bionix Technologies we have the following RFID devices for eCommerce:

  • RFID tunnel. This device was designed to read and identify a large number of RFID tags in logistics processes. This device will allow you to receive and send merchandise quickly and keep your stock updated in real time.
  • RFID portal. Designed for the identification and control of a large number of articles in crossing areas such as loading docks, doors or movements within the warehouse in a precise way.
  • RFID desktop. With this device you can prepare and verify your online orders or shipments to stores quickly and easily.
  • RFID handheld. Ideal complement for an agile and efficient management of the stock in the warehouse and the store.

All the information of the supply chain can be displayed quickly and updated in our Scanppy app, a mobile app designed for agile and efficient stock management in the warehouse and in the store. And in the Cixxonia Platform, our RFID software where thanks to the data in the cloud you can optimize the flow of operations throughout the supply chain.

You can get more information about our RFID solutions on our website. We have the best RFID devices and we adapt to the needs of your business.

Do you have an e-commerce and want to make the most of it? At Bionix Technologies we have the best RFID solutions for your company. Offering a good, agile and reliable service will increase your customers satisfaction and consequently, your sales.

Do not hesitate! Contact us now!

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Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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