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RFID in logistics and transportation

Maximize flow and traceability

Ecommerce has triggered the need to optimize logistics flows, control of merchandise, stock and the traceability of items. Logistics is now an essential activity, including the planning, distribution and optimization of customer information.

The growth of the RFID system in logistics is exponential, since it allows any package to be identified and traced, from the moment it enters the distribution center until it reaches the final destination point.

How to improve the logistics and transportation of a company with RFID technology

Logistics and transportation are experiencing exponential growth with the impact of online commerce and the need to reduce delivery times in the last mile.

RFID allows to obtain a total visibility of all the entrances, allocation and exits of merchandise in the logistics companies, reducing costs, optimizing times and improving the service to clients.

RFID allows the automatic entry of packages in the distribution center, the assignment in the sorter to each of the destination points and the automatic identification of packages.

Using RFID it is possible to have a real-time map of the situation in the flow of the distribution process of each package within the distribution center.

BIONIX also offers the possibility that the logistics operator can offer a differential service to its customers, thanks to the elimination of manual interventions in the shipping tag reading processes and the reliability of the distribution process is increased.

The benefits of applying RFID technology in logistics

  • Better parcel control by knowing the status of the products in real time
  • Control and traceability of high value shipments. Unknown loss reduction
  • Enhanced visibility throughout the supply chain, including alternative warehouses and logistics companies
  • Total control of shipments
  • Cost reduction and error elimination
  • Shorter times in the registration processes of distribution centers and warehouses
  • Management of the transit of goods from remote centers
  • Optimization of internal processes such as batch, date and property management
  • Quick tagging and packaging
  • Lower operating costs
  • Real-time reports with guaranteed traceability information

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