GLS, one of the largest logistic operators at Spain, chooses Bionix DFID

GLS elige la tecnología RFID de Bionix

One of the biggest problems in logistics is stock control and item traceability. GLS chose to address this through proposals from Bionix Supply Chain Technologies.

RFID allows for total visibility of all inputs, assignments and outputs at logistics companies, reducing costs, optimizing times and improving customer service.

Company only has to identify each package with a label and read it with our RFID handheld devices that will record the reference and send it to our Cixxonia platform, integrated with the company’s ERP.

Thanks to the implementation of this technology, GLS has managed to be one of the most truthful logistics companies thanks to its high control, minimal errors and speed & efficiency.

Bionix Certificates & Awards

Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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