RFID in Retail

Online commerce has grown considerable in the last few years, and the trend continues. The truth is that consumers are increasingly demanding when they make purchases over the internet. For this reason, it is essential to offer a good, agile and reliable service, since it will allow you to increase customer satisfaction and sales.

At Bionix Technologies we have the solution to improve your ecommerce sales figures, all thanks to our RFID technology, which will allow you to automate stock control and minimize errors in your orders. Don't hesitate, contact us!

Advantages of implementing RFID in an ecommerce

The use of RFID technology will help you to avoid errors such as:

  • The available stock does not match the real one, which causes loss of sales and customer confidence
  • Errors in customer shipments
  • Lack of integrated online and offline stock, which generates greater complexity in management and makes it difficult for your employees to work

As a consequence of the precision and minification of errors:

  • Your ecommerce will be effective and efficient
  • Order management will be much more accurate
  • Improved customer satisfaction and increased loyalty
  • Increase in sales

“Thanks to RFID devices such as tags and readers applied in online commerce, it will improve stock accuracy and reduce shipping errors. This will cause an improvement in the effectiveness of ecommerce and an increase in sales.”


How does RFID work in E-Commerce?

Thanks to the fact that all items are identified by RFID and the stock is reliable and integrated you will improve efficiency and customer online experience, increasing online sales.

Online shopping

The customer has reliable information on product availability, so he will know with certainty if he can have the product he wants in a certain time.


Shipments are checked in a matter of seconds against the customer's order, avoiding errors and time and improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In-store pick up

It is possible to integrate the physical world and the online one and know at all times where each item is, thus facilitating the in-store pick up.
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Polígono Pocomaco Avenida Primera, N44, Parcela B3, Nave F. 15190 A Coruña, Spain


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