RFID. How to automate inventory management


RFID solutions are perfect for industrial automation of processes in small, medium and large companies. At Bionix Technologies we have multiple RFID solutions. Our technology allows the management of the data collected throughout the supply chain and the management of inventories in an automated way.

Stock management allows us to avoid breakages, count inventory and make a faster and more automatic merchandise replacement. Bionix Technologies provides its clients with these functionalities and many more thanks to RFID solutions such as the Scannpy app, which in connection with the Cixxonia cloud platform expands the possibilities of companies.

Cixxonia, the cloud platform for managing your data

Cixxonia is state-of-the-art software that enables supply chain professionals to optimize the actual flow of operations, from the supplier to the store, through the distribution center.

Obtaining a large amount of data and KPIs facilitates analysis and decision making, being possible to access them at any time and place. Being a cloud platform, we can verify orders, as well as manage inventories and analyze the performance of suppliers.

Do you want more information about Cixxonia? On our website you can find everything you need about the operation and functionalities of this cloud platform.

Scannpy, the app that facilitates stock management

Bionix Technologies has multiple RFID solutions adapted to the needs of the supply chain and the sector of our clients. In the case of inventory management, Bionix has developed Scanppy, a mobile application designed for agile and efficient stock management, both in the warehouse and in the store.

Scanppy must be installed on an Android device so that, combined with our RFID handheld, we get a powerful tool to improve efficiency in inbound and outbound logistics, replenishment, warehouse counting, location and item identification.

The RFID handheld device from Bionix Technologies can be used in the distribution center, warehouse and store. It has been designed to simplify its use as much as possible and offer unique technical characteristics in terms of ergonomics, battery life, reliability and handling.

Scanppy is fully integrated with the Cixxonia platform from Bionix Technologies, so that all the information from each warehouse and each store is fully incorporated into the system in real time for better management of the supply chain, from the manufacturer to the store.

Do you want to know what are the functionalities of the Scanppy app?

Verification of orders

Both in the distribution center and in the store, with Scanppy we can check all orders without opening the boxes. With the use of this powerful tool you can make sure that your inventory is correct and updated at all times.

Transfer of merchandise between areas and movements between centers

With Scanppy you will be able to transfer merchandise between different areas of a store or a distribution center or record movements between different centers, keeping the inventory of each area fully updated at all times.

Reading articles

This option allows you to read the RFID tags of the different products to have in real time the data contained in the tags throughout the production chain. This functionality is very powerful for managing a large number of items in a specific location.

Item location

As each item has a specific RFID code, Scanppy can locate that particular item. This application is very relevant for store and warehouse operations. With Scanppy you can easily locate an item that a customer or employee is looking for.

Tag identification

Sometimes it is necessary to check the information that is contained in a tag or you find a lost tag in the store that needs to be reassigned to an item, with the use of Scanppy you can perform these tasks quickly and effectively.

Tag encoding

Scanppy allows tag encoding. You can define the information parameters that you need to encode on the tag and Scanppy will write the data into the tag’s memory.

Inventory counting and replenishment

Item counting is really easy and effective with Scanppy. You can count thousands of items in minutes, improving the accuracy of your stock. With this tool you can also automatically upload the results to the Cixxonia platform to update the status of your stock.

With Scanppy you will be able to easily know the store’s stock, remove items from the warehouse and register them in the commercial area, activate alarms when the stock is at a minimum, making the replenishment task easier and more efficient. Ensuring that the store has adequate stock improves the user experience and increases the level of sales.

Benefits of RFID solutions

Cixxonia and Scanppy allow us to obtain multiple benefits:

Reduce of operating costs. RFID allows us to considerably reduce the time and cost associated with receiving and shipping merchandise.

Greater control of the supply chain. The use of RFID technology allows us to have a better knowledge of the entire production chain thanks to the multiple control points that can be incorporated that offer us a great variety of data.

Traceability of products. Through the use of RFID you will obtain total visibility of the product, from its origin to its sale, thus guaranteeing customer safety at all times. You can get more information about the importance of traceability in the retail sector in our post on sustainability and transparency in the retail sector thanks to RFID technology.

Inventory improvement. Inventory management, by having all critical points in the supply chain under control, improves significantly. Thanks to RFID solutions, inventories can be made in a matter of minutes and on a regular basis.

Increase in sales. By having an integrated, real and reliable stock in real time, we obtain an increase in sales, both in the physical store and online.

As you can see RFID solutions help the management of the production chain and stock. On our website you have more information about all our RFID solutions and RFID devices.

At Bionix Technologies we adapt to the needs of our customers, do not hesitate to contact us whatever your sector. We will help you obtain a high level of industrial automation. What are you waiting for? Contact now!

Bionix Certificates & Awards

Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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