Large Spanish and Portuguese retailers choose Bionix technology

Control de stocks y gestion de pedidos tiendas online con tecnologia RFID

Companies like The Are, DCK, Mint and Rose, Nícoli and Noon choose RFID technology from Bionix Supply Chain Technologies to transform their supply chain and shopping experience.

Through RFID labeling, companies will implement handheld devices or even RFID tunnels for reading, identifying, inventorying and controlling their stocks both in logistics centers and physical stores.

The control of the devices and products is managed through the integration of the customers ERP with our Cixxonia platform.

Most innovative also implement RFID tabletop devices to verify online orders, achieving greater reliability and speed when preparing orders.

Thanks to these solutions, companies improve their competitiveness in the market and their losses cut down.

Bionix Certificates & Awards

Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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