RFID solutions

Desarrollador de tecnología RFID revisando sofrware Cixxonia de Bionix

Increase the control of your company reducing costs

All organizations, be they SMEs or not, focus their activity on the search for profits by increasing sales. However, many times we forget that it is important not only to increase revenues, we also have to reduce costs to continue ensuring the proper functioning and growth of the company. While increasing sales involves an injection […]

How to do an inventory in less time and reducing costs

RFID technology offers multiple solutions for industrial automation. Among them, we highlight inventory automation, which implies a series of improvements and benefits to companies in terms of both time and cost reduction. As you already know, an inventory is a document in which all the belongings of an individual or a company are reflected in […]
evitar rotura stock

How to avoid out-of-Stock with RFID?

How can you avoid stock outs in your business? The answer is very simple: Thanks to RFID technology. Tracking stock and inventory in a traditional way requires a great effort, which is why technologies have been created – such as RFID in this case – so that actions such as replanishment, placing and order fulfillment […]

Bionix Certificates & Awards

Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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